Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Abnormal Psychology OCD

Abnormal Psychology OCD

Q Many people, when hearing about OCD for the first time, claim that they have obsessive or compulsive tendencies. What separates people who experience mild obsessive or compulsive tendencies from those who have OCD? In your opinion, what features of Karen’s case made her clearly diagnosable? (You may wish to revisit the “4 Ds” of abnormality, as introduced in Chapter 1 of your main text, for this question – deviance, distress, dysfunction, and danger.)

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Among the most disabling of the mental disorders we can include the Obsessive Compulsive Disorder but some people can show the obsessive compulsive tendencies without being intense in order to be called the disorder. The symptoms of Obsessive Compulsive disorder can be broken down into two parts, the obsession and the compulsion. The obsession is about being obsessed about an object or event or a person so much so that the picture of the event or the object keeps coming to the mind. The picture of the object or event is usually undesirable for the person who experiences (Weissman, 1998).